Developing an effective corporate video strategy: Tips and best practices

Corporate video has become essential to staying competitive, when in 2024, 91% of companies will be using video as a marketing tool*.
Whether to promote a brand, raise customer awareness of a product or tell a company's story, video is a powerful means of communication. In this article, we'll take you step-by-step through an effective corporate video strategy that will help you achieve your business objectives.


1. Define your corporate video objectives

The first crucial step in developing a corporate video strategy is to clearly define your objectives. 

What are you trying to achieve with your videos? Increase brand awareness, generate qualified leads or improve customer engagement? By defining specific, measurable objectives, you can better direct your video production efforts.

For example, if your aim is to increase your brand's visibility, you might consider creating corporate presentation videos or customer testimonials highlighting the benefits of your products or services. On the other hand, if your aim is to generate leads, tutorial videos or product demonstrations might be more appropriate.

2. Identify your target audience

Once you've defined your objectives, it's time to look at your target audience. Who are the people you want to reach with your videos? What are their needs, interests and concerns? By understanding your target audience, you'll be able to create more relevant and engaging video content.

For example, if your company mainly targets marketing and communications professionals, you could produce videos that highlight the latest trends and best practices in the field. On the other hand, if you're targeting corporate decision-makers, videos presenting the concrete benefits of your products or services might be more effective.

3. Choose the right distribution platforms

Once you've defined your objectives and identified your target audience, it's time to choose the right distribution platforms for your corporate video strategy. YouTube, LinkedIn, Vimeo, each of these platforms offers unique advantages in terms of audience and functionality.

For example, YouTube is ideal for reaching a wide audience and increasing your brand's visibility, while LinkedIn is more focused on professional networking and can be effective for targeting corporate decision-makers. Depending on your target audience and objectives, you'll need to adapt your broadcast strategy to make the most of each platform.

4. Planning your video content

Once you've defined your objectives, identified your target audience and chosen the right distribution platforms, it's time to plan your video content. A well-organized editorial calendar will help you maintain the consistency and relevance of your content over time.

To do this, you can consider creating different types of videos, such as customer testimonials, product presentations, corporate videos, etc. And be sure to incorporate storytelling into your content to captivate your audience and arouse their interest.

5. Producing and promoting your videos

Finally, once your video content is planned, it's time to move on to production and promotion. Online video editing tools like Yuzzit can simplify the production process, allowing you to create compelling, engaging videos in no time.

Once you've produced your videos, make sure you promote them effectively by optimizing SEO, sharing them on social networks and integrating them into your newsletters and other communication channels. 

Corporate video is a powerful tool for companies keen to remain competitive in an ever-changing digital world. By clearly defining your objectives, identifying your target audience, choosing the right distribution platforms, planning your video content and promoting your videos effectively, you'll be able to create an effective corporate video strategy that will help you achieve your business goals. Feel free to explore further the resources available on our Yuzzit blog to deepen your knowledge of video production.

*(source wyzowl)


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