Quickly and easily customize your videos to suit each social network.
To optimize the visibility of a video on social networks, whether live or edited, you need to adapt it to the specificities of each network and to your graphic charter. This can be a time-consuming process, especially if you want to publish a lot of videos.
That's why, with Yuzzit, you can generate a template from a finalized video, which you can then apply either manually, making modifications if necessary, or automatically when publishing. In this way, this essential but time-consuming personalization step can be carried out in record time, in parallel with another task, without wasting time.
How do I create a video template with Yuzzit?

Step1: Produce an initial video to use as a support
Once you've generated your video from a live stream or an edit you've just made, start customizing it by clicking on New Custo. Apply the modifications you wish to make, i.e. the format (19:9, 9:19, 1:1, 4:5), add a logo, text, subtitles, intro, outro. Then generate a variant (a copy of the video) to which all these customization elements will be applied.
Step2: Create a template from your personalized variant
Select the variant you've just generated, click on Edit/.../Save As Template and give it a name. This new template will appear in the list of available templates in New Custo.
Step3: Apply a template to a video
Select a new video to customize, go to New Custo, select the customization template you wish to apply. You have the option of modifying the customization (such as the text, for example), which will not modify the template. Once you've generated your video variant, you can publish it directly with Yuzzit.
An even quicker alternative is to select your non-personalized video, then click on Share. In the publishing form, you indicate on which network(s) you wish to publish it. Then select the template you wish to apply to your video and publish it. The video will be customized automatically from your template before being published. All these parameters for publishing and customizing from a template can be saved in a publishing preset.
Industrialize your video production with Yuzzit
Whether it's for a few videos, a series of videos or regular production throughout the year, Yuzzit offers you an adapted user path to optimize production time, right up to publication.
How to create templates for your videos
Frequently asked questions
How do I create a template to customize a video?
Yuzzit lets you create your own video skinning library. In other words, from a video you cut from a live broadcast or a video you import, you can change the format, manually apply a logo, text, subtitles and intro/outro.
You can save all your changes in a template, which you can then apply manually or automatically to other videos, so you can have the same look and feel in just a few clicks.
Can I modify a template for a video?
You can modify a template from time to time for a video. But your template will not be modified. Once a template has been saved, it cannot be modified for security reasons.
Can I create several customized videos from a single video?
And that's precisely the purpose of these customization templates. To be able to easily apply them to new videos, so as to attribute the same customization elements, such as your graphic charter.
Can I create customization templates for images?
Yes, as with video, you need to customize an image, then create a template from this modified image. You can then apply this new template to all your images, so that they systematically incorporate the same customization elements.