How can I quickly produce videos for social networks?

In today's landscape, characterized by the ascendancy of video on social platforms, it's become essential to produce quality video content quickly to captivate your audience. This article gives you practical advice and proven strategies for optimizing your video production for social networks, by leveraging your existing content and lives, following best practices for each network, and efficiently editing your videos for multi-destination distribution.


Leverage your existing content: bet on your lives

The key to optimizing your video content production lies in the intelligent reuse of your existing content. As livestream production accelerates, each of these lives can be a goldmine for creating multiple video clips. Here are a few practical tips for making the most of your lives:

Review your lives for highlights: Identify the most impactful or informative moments of your live sessions and turn them into individual clips.

Use live-clipping tools: Software such as Yuzzit lets you select and edit key moments from your lives in real time, making it easy to create relevant content for your social networks.

Think evergreen content: Certain segments of your lives may be relevant long after they've been broadcast. Identify these moments for future use.

Live-clipping, or live video editing, lets you capitalize on your live broadcast. Take advantage of this feature to instantly extract highlights from your live broadcast and turn them into stand-alone videos. This approach allows you to quickly reuse content already created, maximizing your initial investment.

Practical tips:

  • Identify key moments: bookmark the most captivating moments in your live show to create powerful clips.
  • Customize your content: add graphics, titles and subtitles to make your videos even more attractive.
  • Speed of publication: quickly publish clips on social networks to capitalize on your audience's real-time engagement.

Exploit all your lives: 

Every live show is an opportunity to produce varied content:

  • Lives for your social networks, such as your Youtube lives, or your TikTok lives
  • Lives from your TV and radio shows
  • Lives from your Teams or Zoom conferences
  • Or your lives from private feeds

For all your events: 

  • TV shows, radio programs
  • Sports events
  • Corporate events (conferences, testimonials and interviews...)

Respect social networking codes

Social networks have their own rules when it comes to content formats and duration. Adapt your videos to the specificities of each platform to maximize their impact. Here are some best practices: 

Create short videos

When producing videos for social networks, it's essential to take into account the recommended length for each platform. Users on different platforms have specific expectations in terms of attention spans, and respecting these recommendations can greatly influence the engagement of your audience. 

For example, on Twitter and Instagram, very short videos are often preferred (140 seconds maximum on Twitter, 60 on Instagram), while on YouTube, users are generally willing to invest more time. Adjusting the length of your videos according to these criteria will enable you to maximize their impact and maintain your audience's interest.

The ideal length? Less than 20 seconds on Twitter and Instagram, and less than a minute on Facebook. Maximum: 2 minutes and 20 seconds.
For Youtube, you have more freedom and can take as long as you need.

Adapt your videos to the right formats: 

Social networks offer a variety of display formats, such as square (1:1), vertical (9:16) and horizontal (16:9). To optimize the visibility and aesthetics of your videos, it's crucial to create versions adapted to each platform format. This will increase the chances of sharing and interaction.

The ideal format? The vertical format is king on TikTok, Instagram, and for Facebook stories.
While videos on Twitter, YouTube and Facebook posts can benefit from the horizontal format.  

Add subtitles : 

Integrating subtitles into your videos for social networking is an essential practice to maximize content comprehension and accessibility. Many users watch videos without sound activated. Subtitles keep them engaged by providing an instant understanding of the message. 

What's more, subtitles improve accessibility for the hearing impaired or non-native speakers. By incorporating this feature, you expand your potential audience and ensure an inclusive and engaging experience for all viewers of your videos on social networks.

Edit once, publish anywhere: simplify your video presence on social networks

Simplify your workflow by editing your videos and publishing them to multiple platforms directly from a single program. Save time and ensure consistency in your online presence. Our practical advice:

Centralize editing : 

Using software that can manage the entire process of editing and publishing your videos will save you precious time. Yuzzit, for example, enables you to cut your lives in real time, edit, subtitle and publish your videos on different platforms in just a few clicks.

Plan the broadcast: 

Scheduling the distribution of your content allows you to maintain a constant presence on the networks, without the need for daily manual intervention. Use your publishing software's publication scheduling features to organize your content calendar.

Analyze performance : 

Measuring the effectiveness of your videos is essential for adjusting your content strategy. Analyze engagement rates, viewership, and user feedback to understand what resonates best with your audience and refine your future content.

Leverage your existing content and lives, follow the rules of each social network, and simplify your editorial process with multi-use software. By following these tips, you'll not only be able to produce videos for social networks efficiently, but also ensure that your content remains relevant and engaging for your audience.

Optimize your online presence with Yuzzit


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